Criminal Defense and Litigation Consultation

Kathryn Ross offers a unique and powerful blend of experience to her clients: years of hands-on, first chair litigation experience as a criminal defense attorney, as well as years of experience teaching criminal procedure and litigation as a law school professor. She draws on this unique combination to serve two distinct sets of clients: attorneys and individuals.

Criminal Defense

Katie represents individuals who are under investigation or already charged in state and federal cases. Katie’s extensive experience handling cases from inception to ultimate conclusion, combined with her skill at communicating with non-lawyers, allows her to become a trusted advisor to her clients through an initial criminal investigation, trial, appeal, and even to re-investigating a conviction for a writ of habeas corpus in the event of wrongful conviction. Her experience and insight allows her to represent individuals in a client-based and cost-effective manner.

For more see Criminal Defense.

Litigation Consultation

As a litigation consultant, Katie assists attorneys in any phase of litigation. Her proficiency in developing theories of the case, courtroom practice and procedure, and evidentiary matters serves as an invaluable and empowering resource for attorneys preparing for (or already in) trial. And her teaching experience provides the foundation for helping attorneys in a clear and cost-effective manner.  

For more see Litigation Consultation.

Her years of experience qualifies Katie to serve as an expert witness in an accused’s competency to stand trial.